How to make an iconic brand modern while respecting its DNA.
New character.
New font.
New everything.
“Best quarter in a decade” – Business Insider
QSR Magazine Transformational Brand of the Year
Winner at Art Directors Club
Made with friends at GSD&M
“Pizza Hut revives your childhood ‘Newstalgia’.”

Video games have been a part of Pizza Hut since the ’80s.
This augmented-reality game of Pac-Man let you play right on the box within seconds of your pizza being delivered.
This augmented-reality game of Pac-Man let you play right on the box within seconds of your pizza being delivered.
10.6 million Pac-Man boxes sold
741 million impressions
Winner at The Clios, The Webbys,
The One Show and more.
Made with friends at GSD&M
“Retro-gaming Bliss.”

“Bringing the 80s to the comfort of your home.”

“A Surprisingly Chic Streetwear Collection.”

![Font_[5] Pizza Hut Font graphic](https://themayor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Font_5.jpg)

Pizza Hut invented the Pan Pizza – the thickest, heaviest, warmest pizza ever.
So we partnered with Gravity Blanket to make a 15lb blanket as comforting as the real thing.
$150 blanket sold out in 10 hours
600 million impressions
Winner at The One Show, Art Directors Club, Comm Arts
Made with friends at GSD&M

“15 pounds of anxiety absorbing comfort.”

“Gives New Meaning To Comfort Food.”

“Make Your Cheesy Dreams Come True.”